My favorite festivity

New year is my favorite festivity than others because it is a special moment for everybody in my family. New year is celebrated the first day of the gregorian calendar when it is 12 o'clock: there are fireworks, champagne, many hugs and everybody says "happy new year" for starting a very good year and a new step of the life, have new oportunities or new objetives. That is the main reason.😤 

There are countries that don't celebrate this festivity on 1st of january for religional motives, like China, because this festivity was born in Rome and belongs to Occidental culture. Many years ago, the Roman calendar started in march, but this changed when Julio Cesar changed the system and made the julian calendar where he said the year starts the 1st of january, when the consuls of the Ancient Rome came to the goverment. Romans said that January is for Janus God, and this month is for him, god of  beginnings. Now it is a universal festivity, and in China some people celebrate it.😲

In my family we make a meeting and a dinner, and we wait together the fireworks near the beach and after that we go home to dance and sing all night. I like it for these reasons, it is a special moment when the family is together and united.💓 


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