A subject I have enjoyed studying this semester

The first year in the university was not perfect, because there were many boring subjects, I think. But I decided to stay here to learn more things: write better, read better, and know more things. But  I always waited for Photojournalism, now it is my favorite subject, because since I was 12 year old I have liked it. I make many types of photos: sports, protests, portraits and ladscapes. In this subject we make many photos here, in the university, but we have a semestral project where everyone has to make a photo report about the differences, it can be: faces, jobs, places, and more. The main content now is to check the work of other photojournalists and take ideas for our project, they are the best photographers to inspiring ourselves. Also we are learning about camera uses, composition, colors, and how to expose and use the light in our favor.  

Last friday everyone was in the Cenicero practicing different techniques about shutter speed,  ISO, depth of field, frozen and motion blur. 


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