
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

My favorite festivity

New year is my favorite festivity than others because it is a special moment for everybody in my family. New year is celebrated the first day of the gregorian calendar when it is 12 o'clock: there are fireworks, champagne, many hugs and everybody says "happy new year" for starting a very good year and a new step of the life, have new oportunities or new objetives. That is the main reason.😤  There are countries that don't celebrate this festivity on 1st of january for religional motives, like China, because this festivity was born in Rome and belongs to Occidental culture. Many years ago, the Roman calendar started in march, but this changed when Julio Cesar changed the system and made the julian calendar where he said the year starts the 1st of january, when the consuls of the Ancient Rome came to the goverment. Romans said that January is for Janus God, and this month is for him, god of  beginnings. Now it is a universal festivity, and in China some people

My favorite piece of technologhy

Hi everybody, today I'm going to present you my blackie camera.  I use this camera to take pictures to people, landscape, sport, or protets. It is always with me. This piece of technology is more than a piece of plastic or metal, it is a object  that allow me frezee the moments and enjoy more my life. This was a reward for my effort during 4 holidays working hard. But, I had many cameras since 2014  but I changed them for this Sony, the other was Nikon cameras. It is simple to use when you know it, I had to read so much about it before I have one, but practice is the key to take good photos. I like to go out and shot, also I like to travel and save moments that I live with my family.  Actually, I'm not using the camera because now I'm studying in the university and I spend much time in homeworks or studying for tests, so there is not time to go out. I spend around 5 hours when I take pics.  I think my life without my camera would be bored, because it makes me

Post 2

Hi. I'm going to talk you about my study life👇. When I was a little child I dreamed off becoming in a vet, because I love dogs and many animals, but when I grew up my dreams about studies changed totally. Not because I stop keeping love the animals. So,  I liked to play as a constructor or engineer fixed my toys or electronic things. Finally, I studied and I am studying Journalism...How?😱 Like many people when They are in the last year of high school I did not know what I wanted to do in my future, my dreams were no longer my dreams, and I had to decide quickly. Journalism was my unique options when I ended the high school, because it was the career I thought made me know new things and know the world. Also, I liked the photography and I thought it was a good oportunity to practice and make photojournalism.💪 The career is good, I like it, not completely, but I know when I finish the university I could make more photojournalism or write some books, I need to learn

Post 1 - My autobiography

Hello everyone. This is my first post of the semester and I want to introduce part of my life. Well, my name is Junior Vásquez Castillo and I was born in the V region, specifically in San Antonio province. In 1998 my parents arrived in Chile from Perú when my older brother was a 1 year old baby. Next year I was born. To be honest, my parents didn't want a baby because it was their first year in a country that they didn't know 😥.  But the 23th of august I was already in this world. Now I am 19 years old and they love me, and I have 2 brothers: Neyser and Ángel💕. Nowadays, I'm studying at the Universidad de Chile of Santiago while my mom and my dad are in Algarrobo with my little brother. My older brother, Neyser, is in Quilpue with his girldfriend and daughter.  I decided to study Journalism because I like to take pictures in my free time, and it becomes my passion and  I want to do Photojournalism and make essays or reports with images, also I would like to write


                                          Hi. Añadir leyenda My name is Junior Vásquez and I'm studying Journalism in the Universidad de Chile💪.  I like English, because it is a usefull tool to get more oportunities here or in other countries.  To be honest, frequently I don't listen to English music , because I like other genres like electronic💫. I always watch movies in English language, in the cinema or my home, but with subtitles. There are words that I don't undestand . As you see, for me it is more difficult to listen, I don't  recognize some words, and  I plan to overcome that problem by studying and listening more English this year 😫.