
My Blogging Experience

My blogging experience was very interesting and an amazing way to improve my writing skill and vocabulary. I liked write about things about me and my abilitties, I think for learn english is necesary write, read or listen things about our experiencia like students or about us: habilitties, hobbies, life experience, and more. It is the perfect way to motivate. To be honest, I think the format is perfect, I would´t like to  include nothing, because every blogs was funny and especific.  But personaly I would like to write about photography or art, and sports, but these are for person who likes it. When this classes started I thought that I could't write any blog, because I did't know that it was about me. Gramatical area was the most difficult factor, I failed in every post, I hope improve the next semester.  So, Blogger, as web is very easy to use and understand, like a office word, and the perfil is nice. 

A subject I have enjoyed studying this semester

The first year in the university was not perfect, because there were many boring subjects, I think. But I decided to stay here to learn more things: write better, read better, and know more things. But  I always waited for Photojournalism, now it is my favorite subject, because since I was 12 year old I have liked it. I make many types of photos: sports, protests, portraits and ladscapes. In this subject we make many photos here, in the university, but we have a semestral project where everyone has to make a photo report about the differences, it can be: faces, jobs, places, and more. The main content now is to check the work of other photojournalists and take ideas for our project, they are the best photographers to inspiring ourselves. Also we are learning about camera uses, composition, colors, and how to expose and use the light in our favor.   Last friday everyone was in the Cenicero practicing different techniques about shutter speed,  ISO, depth of field, frozen and motion

An expert on your field

James Natchway is a great war photographer and I know him beacause I like the photojournalism. He was born in 14th of march on 1948 in Syracuse, NY. He studied Art history and political science, but he decided become to photographer when he watched the pictures of the Vietnam war and of afro americans Movement for civil rights. His first job like photographer was in North Ireland during the hunger strike. After that, he dedicated his life to photograph conclicts, war and others situatons. I like his work because he have a vision about the image and he know what to do when take the camera and go to a country like Afghanistan. He shows the reality and its horrors for people react. That is very important when someone take a picture of this type, is not simple like press the button, is about view the moment and know if that moment can say "look how is the world".  

A band / singer I like

In my list there are many artist of different types of music, but my favority is the Dubstep, it is a part of Electronic music but harder. And I have a favorite Dj that creates this music, his name is Zomboy, He is a great producer too. His real name is Joshua Mellody Jenkisn and was born in UK in 1989. His career started in 2011 with his first theme "Organ Donor", it is really good, one of my favorite. However, it wasn't the first theme of him that I listened, it was "Nuclear". I like Zomboy because I like all his songs, they are really amazing, the sound, mix and his style of create. Also, He was the first Dj that I knew when I was 15 years old.  If I would have to choose the best song of him...I would choose "Here to stay" ft. Lady Chann, it s a madness. 

A Photograph I like

Hi, this is the photograph that I chose. It was taken by my girlfriend, but I compose and think the image previously. That day we went to the beach only for this image, we took around 20 photograph, and finally I had to use photoshop because the waves and my posture (yes, I'm the guy) were not perfect like I wanted. I think was in february, but the weather was very cold.  I like it because I thought this image before it was taken, also the moment and the day were appropriate and my girlfriend helped me to create. The concept is "the freedom of the human", I represent the concept with the minimal style, because it allows me to use the environment and show the ocean, sand and a subject walking, everything to the same time and with other perspective. 

My favorite festivity

New year is my favorite festivity than others because it is a special moment for everybody in my family. New year is celebrated the first day of the gregorian calendar when it is 12 o'clock: there are fireworks, champagne, many hugs and everybody says "happy new year" for starting a very good year and a new step of the life, have new oportunities or new objetives. That is the main reason.😤  There are countries that don't celebrate this festivity on 1st of january for religional motives, like China, because this festivity was born in Rome and belongs to Occidental culture. Many years ago, the Roman calendar started in march, but this changed when Julio Cesar changed the system and made the julian calendar where he said the year starts the 1st of january, when the consuls of the Ancient Rome came to the goverment. Romans said that January is for Janus God, and this month is for him, god of  beginnings. Now it is a universal festivity, and in China some people

My favorite piece of technologhy

Hi everybody, today I'm going to present you my blackie camera.  I use this camera to take pictures to people, landscape, sport, or protets. It is always with me. This piece of technology is more than a piece of plastic or metal, it is a object  that allow me frezee the moments and enjoy more my life. This was a reward for my effort during 4 holidays working hard. But, I had many cameras since 2014  but I changed them for this Sony, the other was Nikon cameras. It is simple to use when you know it, I had to read so much about it before I have one, but practice is the key to take good photos. I like to go out and shot, also I like to travel and save moments that I live with my family.  Actually, I'm not using the camera because now I'm studying in the university and I spend much time in homeworks or studying for tests, so there is not time to go out. I spend around 5 hours when I take pics.  I think my life without my camera would be bored, because it makes me